High Potential League - HPL

On 8th Nov, 2022 The Office of Corporate Linkages and Placement-UMT had organized a Personal Branding workshop exclusively for the High Potential League(HPL).Step Up and Stand Out was the motto of the event.The secret to standing out is to impress recruiters with the unique and authentic YOU-in person, on paper and online.Your personal brand matters. Students were encouraged to soar with their strength and identify the areas of focus through different activities. It was about bringing “who you are (to) what you do, how you do it and where you want to be”. 


On 27th Oct, 2022 Office of Corporate Linkages and Placement had organized a Psychometric Testing and Career Assessment Session Exclusively for the High Potential league.Students Participated in this activity and got to know about themselves and their Career Aspirations. The aim of this session was to create insights in students about their personality, career ambition and pretension.This drive will enable them to find their true passion and convert into a PayCheque